For several months, Jessica and Dave and I have been planning their trash the dress session… Or rather… three sessions. Our plans are to make some gorgeous photos of the Browns wearing wedding clothes and enjoying Alaska in its 3 beautiful seasons…
Three sessions…. Three seasons… Where is the fourth?
We decided that Spring doesn’t really make much of a splash in Alaska. (Courtesy laughs are okay. If you can’t manage that, just shake your head slowly and roll your eyes. Good job.)
On a blustery Wednesday in July we met for the first of those times… For the first part of our shoot we met at Cuddy park near the Loussac Library. Cuddy park is little gem of a place that most people in Anchorage haven’t yet discovered… and perfect for our little session.
While shooting at that spot, Channel 2 News asked permission for the couple to be their weather shot of the day…. We didn’t get to see it since we WERE the shot.
So, though unconfirmed, we might be famous TV Stars! 🙂 (superstaars! *high kick*)
We found a “flock” of police and had to make use of them. : )
Ha ha… yeah…. insert dramatic theme music here.
From Cuddy Park, we went on over to Point Weronzoff. (Which up until that day, I never knew existed. What a sweet spot!)
This is my favorite shot of the day. Snuggling with Sleeping Lady mountain across the bay.
And then it was time for the fun…… 🙂
When you consider that this inlet has several glacier rivers feeding it…. you then understand how brave and heroic Jess is to be wading around in it.
This is the perfect shot of her beauty as she braves the cold waters of the cook inlet…
Dave and Jess… Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your gorgeous evening! 🙂
The Brown’s entire photo gallery is here.