Category Archives: Babies

Katie and her twins

  Katie is expecting two little miracles any day now…   One boy and one girl. All three of the people in this photo are just beautiful! Our original vision for her session included fields with snow and mountains…. and when the day arrived the forecast called for snow, but it had yet to arrive....

Bjorn {baby}

I absolutely love working with little newborns… but this one was special! 🙂 Bjorn is my newest little nephew, so I just had to take a moment to share some of these gorgeous photos!  

Little Miss K {Baby}

I don’t get to work with babies very often, since most of my time is devoted to brides… so when I get to, it is a real treat. This cutie pie is only 10 days old… and such a sweet little sleepy girl, it sure made this shoot fun! She really does have eyes in...

grab a cup

for the love of photography

Freshon theBlog