June 4, 2011
TaraBeth and Mike Gieble
One very rainy day TeraBeth and Mike were married at the lovely home of their Aunt.
The sun poked its head out for a little bit in the morning, and we were able to shoot a few outside!
TaraBeth is just as sweet as she is cute, let me tell ya! 🙂
About this point, Tarabeth received an adorable love note from Mike…. It was one of those cute little “choose your answer” thingies we all used to make in grade school! 🙂 cute!
The awesome Crow creek pipers were on hand to perform the wedding march! 🙂
I just had to include a photo of “Smolder” and his family… Haha, sorry, inside joke. (Doesn’t their daughter look *just* like the bride? I thought they must be sisters for sure! …cousins.)

The getaway!