Mad Hatter’s Masquerade…

We had the opportunity to do a free photo booth on halloween night for our church event, the Mad Hatter’s Masquerade. It was a blast, with some pretty amazing costumes!   Here are a sampling of a few of them: Here is a group photo of the team that put on the event. Truly Mad Hatter-esque!

We did get a couple of us though. (I am the one on camera right)

And then there is Oxana. 


I knew that we wouldn’t have time to properly document our incredible costumes while we were shooting the photo booth, so my second shooter (Oxana) and I coerced our hubby’s to dress up on Sunday afternoon so we could properly document our own amazingness with a sunset photo shoot.

Here is Oxana’s dashing Ivan:

Isn’t Oxana just stunning? Oh yes she is.  And she is a great little photographer too. Here are some of her  photos of me and my huz:

(We are the queen of hearts and the knave of hearts)

And here is my little pink queen:

(This is what you get when you release a 9 year old girly-girl into a costume store with no restrictions on costume options.

And here is Andrew. Yes I know he had almost the same costume last year, BUT he just HAD to have that sword involved somehow.

We still need to shoot Gracie’s photos of her costume… she was a cute little butterfly. But at least you get a smattering of our fun.


(And everyone always asks where we got our costumes… Kay’s Costumes! She rents these beautiful things very economically.  I love that we don’t have a closet full of expensive junk the day after a costume frenzy, AND I save a boatload of money.)


grab a cup

for the love of photography

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