April 1, 2011
On Friday, Shelley and Jim were married at the Palmer Depot…. which I happen to love, because that was where I was married almost 14 years ago! 🙂 There are some beyond gorgeous photos in this set… but just to tantalize your eyes, here are a few:
Isn’t Jim and Shelley’s daughter adorable???
Jim just made my day when he asked me where I wanted him to park his bike… I din’t know he was bringing one!! BONUS! Haha!
(Shelley, you are HOT!)Oh, this one perfectly showcases the personalities of this couple. 🙂 Jim with his cute little grin and Shelly is just gorgeous!
And I think this one is my absolute favorite of the entire day. Oh my goodness, Shelley, your expression is soooo cute!
And one more of the gorgeous bride, just because she is… stunning.
We got a lot more coming, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, I’ll be editing.