Usually when you have an unexpected guest, its not a big deal… but for the Newcombe’s wedding, it could have ruined everything! Scroll down to see more.

Teal was such a gorgeous bride! She had thought of and prepared for everything for her wedding.

Except one thing.
It all started when Teal wanted to have a special moment with her soon to be husband before he saw her on her wedding day.

She wanted to give her future husband, Matt, a gift. But she wanted him to wait to see her in her gown until she walked down the aisle. So Teal had Matt led to her in a blindfold.

The plan was for them to be around the tree from each other so he couldn’t see her as he received her gift. But they could still hold hands.

Suddenly we heard a man yelling really loudly: “Get out of here! Go on, Get out of Here!”
An Alaskan Black Bear ran straight for us!
As an Alaskan photographer, I often run into wild animals, so I pulled out the bear spray I carry! I stepped in-between the bride and groom and the bear and yelled at him to go away!
The bear went up the tree we were just standing under.

The Groom, Matt, was still blindfolded but he could hear all the commotion! Matt asked if he could take off his blindfold.
His Bride answered with a resounding ….

The Bear climbed the tree and took a nap.

The game wardens watched him carefully for the next few hours.

After some time, the bear came down and scampered into the woods.
The rest of the wedding went off without a hitch… well… except for a different bear visiting the catering truck a bit later.

Life in Alaska is always an Adventure… and always beautiful!

Congratulations to Matt and Teal… happily married despite their un-invited guest.